Honor Vets... Vote!
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veterans have been honored by Louisiana voters. Sign-up below to dedicate your vote to honor a veteran.
The Honor Vets...Vote! program honors those who have fought and sacrificed for our freedom and our sacred right to vote. Dedicate your vote by honoring those who have fought and are fighting today.
Complete the form to receive a printable certificate, bumper sticker and/or lapel pin. You may also call our office at 225.922.2803 to participate in this program. After receiving your sticker and/or pin, show your appreciation for our service members by displaying the sticker and wearing the pin.
Voters may dedicate their vote to more than one veteran, but only one bumper sticker and/or lapel pin will be issued per voter. Please note that all information except the address will be posted on the Honor Vets...Vote! dedication pages of this website. The Secretary of State's Office reserves the right to edit any submission and/or remove any inappropriate content.
Please note that all fields are required to process your request.
Voter First Name:
Voter Last Name:
Voter Mailing Address:
Voter City, State, Zip:
Voter Email Address:
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Veteran First Name:
Veteran Last Name:
Veteran City, State:
Branch of Service:
Please Send Me:
Complimentary Bumper Sticker
Complimentary Lapel Pin
Dedication Text:
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